Wave Warper 2 by SoundMorph

Wave Warper 2 by SoundMorph

Advanced sound design and whoosh generator

Wave Warper 2 by SoundMorph

Wave Warper 2 is a music software tool that helps you create cool moving sounds. It's great for making whoosh effects, sci-fi noises, and adding movement to your music. The program has 8 sound slots that you can control with an XY pad and a step sequencer. It uses special sound-making techniques like granular synthesis and wavetable synthesis. Wave Warper 2 works with most music software and is now compatible with newer Apple computers.

  • Creates whoosh and movement sounds
  • Features granular engine and sequencer
  • 8 fully equipped sound emitter slots
  • XY pad for advanced movement algorithms
  • Internal bus routing system
  • Randomization features for instant sound generation